![]() 11/19/2017 at 18:48 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Nothing is happening. every day is just another day in, day out bull shit of work, life, and random bullshit.
I have to go back to school. Either through the military or going through some other civilian program. Been working out my options. Dunno what I want to do.
Bike has been put away..and i dont know if I will take it out again. That poor SV has almost 200,000 KM on it. She burns oil, I feel like its down on power, there is a slapping noise in the motor I dont like, and the transmission is very loose in comparison to other SVs. I could just throw in a new motor...but she also needs the front end re-dojne (fork oil, brakes, bearings) and the tail section redone as well (new tail light and under tail panel) and the LED wiring fixing.
I am thinking of just retiring her to track duty only. thought about just flat out parting the bike out and moving on. But I dont have the money at the moment to get something else to ride. I was looking at either a daytona 675 or a 1000cc naked bike like a speed triple, z1000...but again, aint cheap.
Lexus is dutifully doing its commuting route. 30k each day. nothing to update there. some grinding noise coming from left front when turning right and suspension is compressed. I suspect a small amount of tire rub as I changed up the tire size for the snows (stock is 225/45/17, currently on 215/50/17)
IDK, I just feel like I’m going no where in life right now and just working some bullshit dead end retail job to make someone else $.
Hope you guys are doing better these days.
![]() 11/19/2017 at 18:52 |
I had the same feeling when I was a frac engineer. That life was sort of happening all around me and I was just along for the ride. I wasn’t really don’t anything with my life. You really start to evaluate your life decisions at 3 AM in the oilfield.
![]() 11/19/2017 at 18:54 |
yea. at least you have the income to support some frankly kick ass cars. I was too stupid to finish out a degree at my first school. I want/ need to get a degree. but i have no idea in what anymore.
![]() 11/19/2017 at 18:57 |
Idk about the Canadian military, but in the American military it would be the same except the bullshit would be 100 times worse, but at least you’ll get to look back and laugh at it. Plus meet some cool people.
Unless you did reserve or something.
Idk if this holds up for Canada like it does in the U.S. but if you’re looking to do any technical job. Try to do the Air Force. They actually give a shit about technical ability and overall they’re a lot more chill.
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The money was nice, but I look back and wonder if it was worth it. Now that I’m out of it, I’m starting to think it was. I learned a lot about myself and that job basically prepared me for a lot.
I failed out of school the summer before my sophomore year of college. I got back in on a technicality. I knew I was going to fail out and was at a loss of what I was going to do if I permanently failed out. There was quite a lot of depression associated with that.
What were you studying when you were in school?
![]() 11/19/2017 at 19:01 |
mechanical engineering
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If you can finish that, I would recommend going back and doing that.
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Somehow, i doubt the army will throw me out of a counseling office after my father had a heart attack and tell me: we dont have time for you, we have to prepare for an aboriginal meeting
yes, that actually happened.
![]() 11/19/2017 at 19:06 |
cant. got kicked out of the program. So i’m basicly back at square 1. just with less time and even less of an idea of what the hell I’m doing.
![]() 11/19/2017 at 19:08 |
Well shit. I don’t know what to tell you on that one. At Georgia Tech, a lot of people went from engineering to business administration; it used to be called management. It was commonly known as hoping on the M-train.
![]() 11/19/2017 at 19:10 |
yea. Now you see the extend of my issue.
I felt like maybe taking a a year off and trying to re-evaluate everything would help. If anything, now I feel even more lost.
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I can understand that. I would have felt the same way. I remember talking to the advisor for the ChemE department when I was having her sign the grade replacement form to keep me in school, and I asked if I had failed out would the ChemE program take me back. She told me they wouldn’t. I would have been so lost.
I got a 0.75 my spring semester and followed it up with a 1.0 over the summer. That brought my GPA down to a 1.68, and you need a 1.8 to stay in school as a freshman. I used grade replacement to turn an F into a D and that boosted my GPA to a 1.96 and I was able to stay in school on something called “probation from dismissal.”
![]() 11/19/2017 at 19:35 |
Good luck bud - I have 2 degrees ($40K later...albeit paid off already, luckily), but no full-time job yet or even my own place yet, so I feel you. I could go get my own apartment, but I hate blowing the money on rent when mom is kind enough to be letting me live home and save up (though living at home at 31 is pretty lame). I have no gf and rarely go out and do anything at all - all my money goes to saving up for a house (which I DO have a lot saved for, at least), but I don’t feel like my life has amounted to much at this point.
Day to day is just work, go home, work, go home...not even sure if teaching is what I want to do to be honest -I CAN do it, but it doesn’t feel ‘right’. I also do computer repair/tutoring on the side and work at the local library and local Tim Hortons, so I have zero free time.
Long story short, you’ve got lots of folks to support you who are sortof in the same boat - lots of good peeps here, so feel free to vent when needed and we’ll support you as best we can. :)
![]() 11/19/2017 at 20:24 |
I’m going to give the opposite advice that most people will give you. Don’t go back to school until you know what you want to do. Otherwise you’ll just be accumulating debt for a degree you may never use, and you’ll be going everyday because that’s what society tells you that’s what you should be doing. Not because YOU want to. You’ll still just be existing.
My advice is to change things up. Move, find a different job. Volunteer some of your time to help others. You’ll feel better, and you’ll meet some new people. You never know where that will take you. All of my friends lives have had some dumb luck involved to get them where they are today. They applied for a job they shouldn’t of got. One is part owner in a company, all because he made small talk with a guy in line at starbucks 10 years ago. If he hadn’t stopped that day, or was running 5 mins late, his life would be completely different right now. I could tell you 5 or 6 other examples.
![]() 11/19/2017 at 20:49 |
Read this a couple weeks ago somewhere:
A life made meaningless because it consists of bare repetition...
I’m retired and work a part time job at the local Walmart for some stability. Don’t need the money so it’s for a schedule. This helps even for the days I’m not there. The words still apply. This fragment is driving me to rethink what I’m doing. Desire to do something else but fear to go do it...
![]() 11/19/2017 at 21:04 |
Sorry to hear that, Pete. E92 is right about finding out what it is you want to do before you head back to school. And I know the military pays for university if that’s what you want to do (granted, I don’t know a lot about it, I just know my cousin got his engineering degree through the Navy). Taking some time to find out what it is you want (to do, out of life, whatever) sounds like a good idea if you can afford it.
![]() 11/19/2017 at 21:45 |
I’ve felt that way once or twice when it ended up being time to make a change.
I remember being young and in that same place, working one dead end job after another looking for a break. I dropped out of college after a year, got married and worked labor/skilled/retail/unskilled jobs for a few years.
I landed in IT. At the time (a bit over a decade ago) didn’t require anything more than the ability to learn how to do it. Started as helpdesk and am a Sr. Systems Admin now doing a job I love making a great salary.
Point is, life sometimes works out but it can definitely be a grind to get there.
![]() 11/19/2017 at 22:23 |
Gotta make lemonade with them lemons. Try to find joy in stuff you do every day. Hell that’s half the reason I got my FJR, because even in 30 degree weather, just the commute to/from work makes me feel alive. In fact it’s even better now when it’s cold, because I don’t see anyone else on two wheels representing. Gives me a great sense of uniqueness.
![]() 11/20/2017 at 00:54 |
Don’t know how canadian schools will do it, but many american schools will let you test out of lower level classes. Usually this is for AP students out of high school to let them skip freshman level, but you might be able to skip some sophomore level classes too? It’s not square 1, more like square 3. And see fi you can get an internship or some sort of technical job as a student to go back to school and also get a foot in an industry.
That was the biggest use of my degree - I got a LOT of professional experience so my resume is pretty boss at the ripe age of 28. It helped me in school a lot too since I got to see what my degree was going towards instead of just turning in assignments and hoping it all worked out.
![]() 11/20/2017 at 04:51 |
fix the bike. parting it out is the wrong way to go.
![]() 11/20/2017 at 08:39 |
No advice, but a short story- my first time through college was in a ME program at a good college. Then fucking cancer takes a close family member and engineering seems like the last thing i want to study. Somehow i graduate on time, but then spend the next 8 years working in a Colorado ski town digging a deeper financial hole, but generally enjoying it. At the age of 30, go back to school and now have been doing medicine for the last dozen years. I have never regretted not using the ME degree. Finishing a bachelor’s degree can be done if you want, but that piece of paper doesn’t guarantee anything. Bottom line for me was engineering was where i intended to be and so far from the actual reality of my life.
![]() 11/20/2017 at 13:37 |
You might consider taking a class at a community college in welding or machining if those are available and affordable. Would let you make parts for your bike, might end up being something you like as a job, and if not the hands on experience will be great for the resume if you decide to get that engineering degree.
![]() 11/20/2017 at 19:13 |
That is something that I am seriously considering at the moment.
![]() 11/21/2017 at 08:16 |
Well I can say from experience my grades sure as hell didn’t get me engineering jobs, my hands on experience did. Things like SAE Baja and SAE Formula were practically like a secret handshake in interviews. You would be surprised how many people work in the automotive industry, even in the engine department, and don’t know how to make anything or how to wrench.
![]() 11/27/2017 at 23:52 |
so army rejected me. yay.